Desperately trying to save Hamas
Biden and Sullivan pushing Israel to accept Hamas' terms is an obscenity.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan in Jerusalem, May 19, 2024. (Kobi Gideon/GPO)
“Don’t be afraid of the enemies who attack you. Be afraid of the friends who flatter you.”
Dale Carnegie (1888-1955)
“Never interfere with an enemy in the process of destroying himself.”
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)
Life in general is a lot simpler than what most people tend to admit in public. It is for the most part a game of personal interests covered under a veil of ideological positions, patriotic slogans or party agendas. But even all of these together hardly ever get to hide the fact that for the most part only extreme narcissists make it to the top of our systems.
One of those extreme narcissists is Susan Bordo’s most admired Hillary Clinton, yes that one. The wife of Bill, who terrorized the White House staff from 1993 to 2001, especially those who never had “no sexual relations” with her husband.
Yes, she went from being First Lady to the US Senate, representing the State of New York, from 2001 to 2009. Highly unqualified for that post? Well, it’s hard to say looking at the kind of people who were at the time in the Senate. The show there is far worse nowadays, as you well know. From her Senatorial post she was chosen as Secretary of State by President Barack Obama in 2009, after defeating her in the Democrat Party primary to run as presidential candidate in 2007. Yes, there’s no doubt whatsoever that she was not qualified to be Secretary of State. Her tenure from 2009 to 2013 was arguably a disaster. But she’s certainly relentless. In 2016 she even run for the Presidency against surprise candidate Donald J. Trump himself.
I’ll never thank God enough for Trump’s victory on that election. Hillary would have been an absolute disaster as President for us, for the US of A. The global elites, the CCP and the myriad of loyal servants of the Clinton dynasty would have been orgasmically ecstatic to see her win, precisely because her administration would have run our country aground, pretty much like Team Biden has been doing since 2021.
Easy tigers! Wanna call me misogynistic? That’s OK. Your screams don’t scare me. I earned my stripes long ago working on the front line. Enough to be able to say that opposing a bad female candidate precisely for being a bad candidate is nothing misogynistic. Still wanna call me that? Thanks to people unlike you, who believe in our Bill of Rights, you can do that. So go ahead and say it loud. I’ll even spell it for you: m-i-s-o-g-y-n-i-s-t-i-c! Got that, Karen?
But let’s go backwards a bit, ok? When Madame Clinton was the 67th United States Secretary of State, who did she put in charge of the Iran portfolio? Yep, that’s right. No other than Jake Sullivan, a Minnesota chap in his 30s with a solid academic background but very limited field and real life experience, who saw this as his golden opportunity to make a name for himself in the DC circles of power, after Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar connected him with Hillary Clinton.
So off he run with it, forever close to his protectors Madame Clinton first, Barack Obama and Joe Biden afterwards, putting on the table nothing less than a nuclear deal that gave Iran absolutely everything the Ayatollahs wanted, that placed Israel in a very dangerous position, and that made President Obama and the rest of the Western nomenklatura at the time look like the incompetent fools they really were. The only ones benefitting from the deal, apart from the Ayatollahs in Tehran who couldn’t believe their luck, were US Secretary of State John Kerry and the chap running the Iran portfolio and giving Tehran all it wanted just to get that useless paper signed in 2015: yep, no other than Mr. Jake Sullivan.
Madame Clinton certainly spoke very highly of the chap. Sullivan “was at my side nearly everywhere I went” as Secretary of State, Hillary wrote in her 2014 memoir “Hard Choices.”
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with her Iran man Jake Sullivan. (Photo AP).
And then, KABOOM! Oh my God! How is this possible???
Donald J. Trump won the 2016 presidential election and was sworn in as 45 in January of 2017. Kerry and the Iran chap were out of the picture again. Nope, not happy at all. Kerry would have to pay for his jet trips out of his own pocket again (at least while Orange Man was in the White House) and Sullivan had to keep the Iran connections alive. After all, it was “his portfolio”, right?
Obama White House staffers come to terms with the end of their White House hopes in the Hillary Clinton administration, in November 2016. Jake Sullivan was not in the photo, but his mood and face were reportedly the same. (Photo AP).
And then it happened what logically had to happen. President Donald J. Trump understood that the Iran nuclear deal arranged by Hillary’s Iran chap was an absolute disaster for us, for the world and for Israel, and so he decided to exit it. Au revoir! Das vidania! Arrivederci, Tehran!
Orange Man did what he knew best. He set son-in-law Jared Kushner free to articulate the formidable ‘Abraham Accords’, then he defunded Iran, he cut the supplies from Tehran to its terrorist proxies Hamas and Hezbollah (among others), slowly choked Iranian pals Venezuela and China, kept key players Russia and Turkey in good terms, and brought the regime of the Ayatollahs (and its friends and supporters in the EU) to a state of despair. The ‘Abraham Accords’ were finally signed in late 2020 and Israel was in the best position it had ever been in its history. The prospects were truly promising for everyone except China, Iran and its myriad of terrorist proxies.
On the other side of the coin, both Kerry and Sullivan spent the whole time President Trump was in the White House interacting with the Iranian leadership, preparing the 2020 election putsch, and promising Iran that things would change with Orange Man out of the White House.
You know the rest of the story. Biden inaugurated his administration dismantling literally on day one absolutely everything which the Trump administration had accomplished, Middle East portfolio included. Iran was orgasmic, ecstatic. Things looked really good again for the Ayatollahs. Exactly as the Iran chap had promised.
To make it all even sweeter, Biden surrendered $85 billions in US weaponry in Afghanistan so that Iran and its terrorist proxies could celebrate Christmas for the first time ever in 2021-2022, shooting in the air with state of the art US-made weapons.
Yep, the same ones they’d use later in 2023 to assault Israel, rape Israeli women, burn Israeli babies alive, kill everyone and their mother and then cry “I’m the victim” when the IDF entered Gaza to try and free the hostages, to annihilate Hamas, to expose the UNRWA and the UN for the farce they are, to expose the hypocrisy of the EU and the rest of the false friends that had chosen to side with the terrorists who had genocidally attacked Israel on October 7th.
And now, in early June 2024, when Israel has smashed Hamas and dismantled its kingdom of terror in Gaza, when Jerusalem is so close to end this everlasting nightmare of radical violence and monstrosity, right now… the Biden administration (led by no other than Hillary’s Iran chap, now White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan) is running to tell Israel to slow it down: let’s consider Hamas’ proposals, let’s establish a ceasefire before Biden’s election prospects go further down the drain.
Now Sullivan is offering normalization of the ties with Saudi Arabia if Israel allows for a ceasefire that would leave Hamas to survive in Gaza. You see? The ‘Abraham Accords’ had secured normalization of the relations between Israel and its Arab neighbors bypassing Iran, Hamas and the failed Palestinian National Authority. The normalization with Saudi Arabia would have come, no doubt, but in the terms set by President Trump and Israel, not the other way around.
Now, when the Biden presidency has been proven a total disaster, Sullivan has realized that he’d be again out of the game once Hamas is defeated. Sullivan is protecting his and Iran’s interests, not ours. Hamas’ interests, not ours. Everybody and their mother’s interests except those of the US and Israel, which in the Middle East are basically the same, for those who haven’t understood that part yet.
“Don’t settle for a deal with those who will try to kill you again as soon as they’d have the chance. Finish them now and set your terms afterwards.” That’s what the voice of reason is telling the Israeli leadership in command now, and that’s precisely the advice they should listen to.
In November, 45 will become 47, when Donald J. Trump wins re-election for a second time and things will transform very fast in 2025: America, Israel and the world will face a much better situation then.
If Hamas survives now, if Iran wins, we all lose. All except the Iran chap, Sullivan, and all his minions. Think of that. Seriously. And by the way, write down the names of absolutely everyone in the current Sullivan team, the Blinken team, the Austin team, the Mayorkas team. Every staffer in the White House. They’ll put our enemies back in charge as soon as the are ever again allowed to run the show once more at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
We should not let that happen ever again, or we’ll be once more in the same situation. Our enemies will be merciless then, just as they were on October 7th, when so many of our friends remained silent.